
How to survive the winter in Italy

Winter in Italy is quite warm, but humid, which means it is not very comfortable. There are several ways to keep warm in winter in Italy.

I hope that such a harsh name will not scare away, but, on the contrary, will attract our dear readers, with trepidation in their hearts, looking towards the Apennine Peninsula. Because already in the name itself, it would seem, a contradiction is concluded: Italy and the cold. But alas, winter is winter.

However, winter in the north and south is certainly different. Old Southerners willingly share cases when they saw snow in their lives. Therefore, southern Italians are accustomed to warm autumn, which flows smoothly into the cool winter, which sometimes stores summer warmth.

And then the question arises: why do we need batteries, if, in principle, comfortable? No, gentlemen, why turn on the heating if the street is +15 degrees Celsius? Nothing that increased humidity adds discomfort, because the heat is the same!

The process of morning rise turns into a test of fate. First, you need to have the courage to jump out of the bed heated during the night into the dark, humid morning cold (the blinds are closed!).

Secondly, you need to go to the shower, and then find the strength to get out of it. You may not have time for a home-made breakfast, and when you pull on your wet laundry, you will run to the nearest bar, which is already occupied by students and schoolchildren, who are eating up their morning brioches, or invariable old men in scarves and jackets.

Hot tea

Slowly drinking coffee from tiny cups, they discuss local news, and you only dream about it. About a large mug of hot tea.

Barista, probably, is mocking, asking: "What tea do you, Signora, tè freddo o il tè caldo?" To pour a cold seagull or boiling water all the same?

Taking a sip of tea, you begin to think about how to warm yourself in Italy? Of course, locals are saved by gas heating, which they turn on for a couple of hours a day. At the same time, you do not make a couple of sections of batteries for the whole house, as you understand. Gas is very expensive, so saving, saving and saving again.

Electric Fireplaces

Electric fireplaces also warm well, but they wind up so much that prudent owners and housewives grab their heads at the end of the month, seeing an account of three zeros.


Hiking is also a good solution to the problem, if there was no return looming in the cold house.


Oh yes, dear readers! Italian cuisine is warmer than central heating. Here your choice is huge: antipasti (snacks), pasta (first course), meat, cheeses, dolce (sweets) and much, much more.

We warm the bed with a hairdryer

Another wonderful way the old Italian actress taught me: bedtime with a hairdryer. The method works perfectly, if such a misfortune happened to you - you are in Italy and alone.

And finally, I present to you the most effective and most optimal way to keep warm.


Amore. Love. Red wine. Long nights spent behind closed blinds, to the accompaniment of words of love spoken in the most passionate language of the world.

But this is a completely different story ...

Watch the video: Visit Italy - The DON'Ts of Visiting Italy (October 2024).

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