Restaurants in Sicily

Restaurant in Trapani: Restorante Pizzeria San Gusumano

At the San Gusumano restaurant and pizzeria we were offered by our Sicilian friend Mario. Initially, it was planned to show parents the best Sicily pizzeria Calvino, but it was under reconstruction on the dates of our stay. According to Mario, San Gusumano is Calvino's main competitor in the ranking of Trapani residents. And if Calvino is undeniably “numbered uno”, then San Gusumano is very close to this unit.

The restaurant is located a little away from the main tourist streets of Trapani at Via Anapo, 5, 91016 Erice Trapani, so I advise you to get here by private car or taxi.

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As in any decent Sicilian restaurant at the entrance, freshly caught seafood is presented here so that no one doubts the quality.

Also at the entrance you are met by a talking bird, which confidently repeats any phrases, even in Russian.

Also, absolutely any visitor can look into the kitchen and make sure that everything is cooked correctly.

On the walls are photographs of famous people who visited the restaurant.

The restaurant has 2 large halls according to my estimates for 40 and 100 seats. We crouched in the first. And in the summer, a large terrace opens on the street.

Many Italian restaurants have a tourist menu. For 14 euros, you can enjoy antipasti, a dish of the day or pizza and coffee.

In other cases, you should expect an invoice in the amount of 20-25 euros per person - this is if you do not deny yourself anything.

The choice of dishes here is really huge. Pizza an average of 7-8 euros. First courses 7-10 euros, second courses 8-16 euros. Here you have antipasti for every taste, and an incredible variety of pasta, fish and even meat dishes.

Oddly enough, we decided not to try pizza this evening, preferring a more traditional dinner. Wine recommended by Mario.

I finally ordered a large bowl of Cozze mussels - and this is just for warming up, friends.

We also decided to go for snacks in all their manifestations. Here and sea with salmon, shrimp and mussels, as well as "ground" with vegetables.

In Sicily, there are two fish that are respected by the locals. This is a swordfish (Spada) and tuna (Tonno). We enjoyed real tuna at dinner in Trattoria Antonella, and this evening decided to try Pesce Spada. I am writing an article and drooling, so I want to come back.

A memory photo at the entrance to the restaurant with the Sicilians and People with a capital letter, my friends Mario and Antonella.

The final bill for 6 people will be about 130 euros, which is the average check for a dinner "from the belly" and a restaurant of this level. And again in our stomach there was no empty space and, feeling like buns, we went to the villa to sleep soundly.

Watch the video: Best Food from the Fishing Village Trapani. Sicily With Aldo & Enzo. TRACKS (June 2024).

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